What is shell?

Pragadeeswaran Gnanasekaran
2 min readJan 15, 2022


Lets understand what is shell , shell is the computer program which exposes operating system’s service to human or other computer programs via CLI (Command Line Interface) or GUI (Graphical User Interface)

In mac, you might have seen terminal

In some cases, it is used to interact with other programs and achieve final output, we can integrate Jenkins execution in shell programming.

Again we have two types of shells

  • Bourne shell — You will be able to see $ prompting by default
  • C Shell — You will be able to see % character prompting by default

If you are curious what different shells your computer has, in our case, lets see for MAC

cat /etc/shells

Different types of Shell available

and also if you are curious what is the current shell that is being used in your MAC, fire the below any one of the command

If you are wondering to change the shell

chsh -s /bin/bash

  • -s represents set shell

Lets change back to zsh



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